1977 $20 Bill

All twenty dollar bills from 1877 have a chance to be rare and expensive. The factors that establish the price are the issuing bank, condition, and serial number. All $20 national bank notes from 1877 started at serial number one. If your note is the #1 note then it will be worth a significant premium. All vintage paper money is valued based on its condition. Twenty dollar bills in perfect condition are worth more than the same note in lesser condition. For every three ten dollar bills a national bank printed, it only issued one $20 bill. That fact makes most 1877 twenty dollar bills comparatively rare. Sadly, they don’t always trade at a premium with most dealers. However, we recognize the rarity and pay up because they are scarce. 1877 $20 bills are few and far between today because twenty dollars then is the equivalent to $1850 today. Paper money didn’t really become collectible until the 1960s. So there was really no incentive to save a $20 bill.

  1. 1977 20 Dollar Bill Watermark
  2. 1977 20 Bill Cost
  3. Twenty Dollar Bill 1999 Series
  4. 1996 Twenty Dollar Bill Errors
  5. 1977 Twenty Dollar Bill Worth

1977 20 Dollar Bill Watermark

Fortunately for sellers, we buy all 1877 twenty dollar bills. We have paid more than $23,000 for some of the rarest examples. Contact us and we would be happy to make an offer on your bill.

Sales@AntiqueMoney.com – (864) 430-4020

If a $1, $2, $5, $10, $20 bill Series 1963 and after has the clause or if those same denominations prior to Series 1963 do not have the clause, then the bill is counterfeit. If a $50 or $100 bill Series 1963A and after has the clause or if those two denominations prior to Series 1963 do not have the clause, then the bill is counterfeit. In the first significant design change since the 1920s, U.S. Currency is redesigned to incorporate a series of new counterfeit deterrents. Issuance of the new banknotes begins with the $100 note in 1996, followed by the $50 note in 1997, the $20 note in 1998, and the $10 and $5 notes in 2000. (Note: The value also depends on the condition of the bill.) $500 — 1934 Series notes are worth $500 to $800 (if it’s from the 1928 series, you may fetch 10 to 20 percent more) $1,000 — 1934 Series notes are worth $1,000 to $1,400; Uncirculated $500 and $1,000 are high in demand and can get you two times the value. #RecessionProofInvesting #CashForCoins #TreasureInPocketChange Hey everyone, I have another spinoff channel called BlueRidgeCollectibles where I share my oth.

These national banks issued 1877 $20 bills:

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  • Charter 2351 – German National Bank of Denver, Colorado
  • Charter 2352 – First National Bank of Boulder, Colorado
  • Charter 2354 – First National Bank of Lake City, Colorado
  • Charter 2355 – National State Bank of Boulder, Colorado
  • Charter 2368 – First National Bank of Rome, Georgia
  • Charter 2346 – Madison County National Bank of Anderson, Indiana
  • Charter 2361 – National Bank of Rockville, Indiana
  • Charter 2369 – Farmers National Bank of Sullivan, Indiana
  • Charter 2375 – Howard National Bank of Kokomo, Indiana
  • Charter 2363 – First National Bank of Shenandoah, Iowa
  • Charter 2364 – First National Bank of Hamburg, Iowa
  • Charter 2374 – Second National Bank of Richmond, Kentucky
  • Charter 2371 – North National Bank of Rockland, Maine
  • Charter 2347 – Pacific National Bank of Lawrence, Massachusetts
  • Charter 2373 – Pacific National Bank of Boston, Massachusetts
  • Charter 2365 – Merchants & Manufacturers National Bank of Detroit, Michigan
  • Charter 2367 – First National Bank of Eaton Rapids, Michigan
  • Charter 2372 – Farmers National Bank of Union City, Michigan
  • Charter 2356 – Farmers National Bank of Platte City, Missouri
  • Charter 2357 – First National Bank of Beatrice, Nebraska
  • Charter 2362 – Second National Bank of Manchester, New Hampshire
  • Charter 2345 – First National Bank of Franklinville, New York
  • Charter 2348 – Walden National Bank, New York
  • Charter 2353 – Moravia National Bank, New York
  • Charter 2370 – Chase National Bank of The City of NY, New York
  • Charter 2350 – Mahoning National Bank of Youngstown, Ohio
  • Charter 2360 – Lebanon National Bank, Ohio
  • Charter 2360 – Lebanon National Bank & Trust Company, Ohio
  • Charter 2360 – Lebanon Citizens National Bank & Trust Company, Ohio
  • Charter 2366 – Quakertown National Bank, Pennsylvania
  • Charter 2349 – First National Bank of Fort Worth, Texas
  • Charter 2359 – City National Bank of Fort Worth, Texas
Series 1977 $20 bill value

$20 Notes Summary

1977 20 Bill Cost

See also: $1 | $2 | $5 | $10 | $50 | $100 | $500+

$20 Federal Reserve Notes

The numbers in the table are the first and last serials printed for regular noteson the given FRB in the given series. Except as noted, no gaps occur in thenumbering. For information on star note serial number ranges, see the second table below.

Maximum serial numbers have varied over time: Until late in Series 1974, each block ran from 00000001 to 99999999. From late in Series 1974 to the middle of Series 1981, each block stopped at 99840000. From the middle of Series 1981 to late in Series 1985, each block stopped at 99200000. And from Series 1988A onward, each block stops at 96000000. Also, serial numbers ending with letter O are not used. These facts should be kept in mind when interpreting ranges in the table which span more than one block letter.

Prior to Series 1950, when notes of different series were in production simultaneously, they would often be mixed together before the serial numbers were overprinted. Therefore, it is not always possible to separate the serial numbers used on one series from those used on the next.

SeriesFederal Reserve District (First letter of serialnumber)Star Notes
printed for
1928A 000 00001 A
A 121 68000 A
B 000 00001 A
B 315 00000 A
C 000 00001 A
C 134 40000 A
D 000 00001 A
D 224 16000 A
E 000 00001 A
E 096 60000 A
F 000 00001 A
F 074 16000 A
G 000 00001 A
G 310 20000 A
H 000 00001 A
H 068 52000 A
I 000 00001 A
I 058 44000 A
J 000 00001 A
J 074 40000 A
K 000 00001 A
K 043 80000 A
L 000 00001 A
L 171 84000 A
1934A 000 00001 A
A 539 36000 A
B 000 00001 A
B 713 20000 B
C 000 00001 A
C 664 44000 A
D 000 00001 A
D 970 84000 A
E 000 00001 A
E 184 80000 B
F 000 00001 A
F 795 76000 A
G 000 00001 A
G 532 52000 B
H 000 00001 A
H 550 64000 A
I 000 00001 A
I 249 72000 A
J 000 00001 A
J 459 88000 A
K 000 00001 A
K 386 04000 A
L 000 00001 A
L 551 76000 B
1950A 000 00001 A
A 231 84000 A
B 000 00001 A
B 800 64000 A
C 000 00001 A
C 295 20000 A
D 000 00001 A
D 511 20000 A
E 000 00001 A
E 675 36000 A
F 000 00001 A
F 393 12000 A
G 000 00001 A
G 704 64000 A
H 000 00001 A
H 273 52000 A
I 000 00001 A
I 092 16000 A
J 000 00001 A
J 227 52000 A
K 000 00001 A
K 226 56000 A
L 000 00001 A
L 702 72000 A
1950AA 231 84001 A
A 428 40000 A
B 800 64001 A
B 626 40000 B
C 295 20001 A
C 460 80000 A
D 511 20001 A
D 014 40000 B
E 675 36001 A
E 370 80000 B
F 393 12001 A
F 669 60000 A
G 705 60001 A
G 442 80000 B
H 273 60001 A
H 500 40000 A
I 092 16001 A
I 147 60000 A
J 227 52001 A
J 457 20000 A
K 227 52001 A
K 334 80000 A
L 702 72001 A
L 558 00000 B
1950BA 428 40001 A
A 478 80000 A
B 626 40001 B
B 126 00000 C
C 460 80001 A
C 540 00000 A
D 014 40001 B
D 396 00000 B
E 370 80001 B
E 792 00000 B
F 669 60001 A
F 072 00000 B
G 442 80001 B
G 248 40000 C
H 500 40001 A
H 694 80000 A
I 147 60001 A
I 270 00000 A
J 457 20001 A
J 741 60000 A
K 334 80001 A
K 453 60000 A
L 558 00001 B
L 068 40000 C
1950CA 478 80001 A
A 550 80000 A
B 126 00001 C
B 558 00000 C
C 540 00001 A
C 615 60000 A
D 396 00001 B
D 680 40000 B
E 792 00001 B
E 162 00000 C
F 072 00001 B
F 262 80000 B
G 248 40001 C
G 540 00000 C
H 694 80001 A
H 824 40000 A
I 270 00001 A
I 334 80000 A
J 741 60001 A
J 925 20000 A
K 453 60001 A
K 543 60000 A
L 068 40001 C
L 522 00000 C
1950DA 550 80001 A
A 644 40000 A
B 558 00001 C
B 100 80000 D
C 615 60001 A
C 669 60000 A
D 680 40001 B
D 918 00000 B
E 162 00001 C
E 464 40000 C
F 262 80001 B
F 489 60000 B
G 540 00001 C
G 219 60000 D
H 824 40001 A
H 885 60000 A
I 334 80001 A
I 367 20000 A
J 925 20001 A
J 007 20000 B
K 543 60001 A
K 608 40000 A
L 522 00001 C
L 216 00000 D
1950E-B 100 80001 D
B 187 20000 D
----G 219 60001 D
G 313 20000 D
----L 216 00001 D
L 302 40000 D
B G L1950E
1963A 000 00001 A
A 025 60000 A
B 000 00001 A
B 166 40000 A
-D 000 00001 A
D 076 80000 A
E 000 00001 A
E 044 80000 A
F 000 00001 A
F 102 40000 A
G 000 00001 A
G 025 60000 A
H 000 00001 A
H 032 00000 A
-J 000 00001 A
J 038 40000 A
K 000 00001 A
K 025 60000 A
L 000 00001 A
L 070 40000 A
1963AA 025 60001 A
A 262 40000 A
B 166 40001 A
B 102 40000 B
C 000 00001 A
C 179 20000 A
D 076 80001 A
D 761 60000 A
E 044 80001 A
E 332 80000 B
F 102 40001 A
F 531 20000 A
G 025 60001 A
G 588 80000 B
H 032 00001 A
H 377 60000 A
I 000 00001 A
I 102 40000 A
J 038 40001 A
J 409 60000 A
K 025 60001 A
K 409 60000 A
L 070 40001 A
L 761 60000 B
1969A 000 00001 A
A 192 00000 A
B 000 00001 A
B 064 00000 B
C 000 00001 A
C 108 80000 A
D 000 00001 A
D 601 60000 A
E 000 00001 A
E 665 60000 A
F 000 00001 A
F 364 80000 A
G 000 00001 A
G 076 80000 B
H 000 00001 A
H 192 00000 A
I 000 00001 A
I 121 60000 A
J 000 00001 A
J 390 40000 A
K 000 00001 A
K 256 00000 A
L 000 00001 A
L 038 40000 B
1969AA 192 00001 A
A 326 40000 A
B 064 00001 B
B 761 60000 B
C 108 80001 A
C 243 20000 A
D 601 60001 A
D 896 00000 A
E 665 60001 A
E 089 60000 B
F 364 80001 A
F 499 20000 A
G 076 80001 B
G 883 20000 B
H 192 00001 A
H 332 80000 A
I 121 60001 A
I 192 00000 A
J 390 40001 A
J 556 80000 A
K 256 00001 A
K 403 20000 A
L 038 40001 B
L 544 00000 B
1969B-B 761 60001 B
B 153 60000 C
-D 896 00001 A
D 960 00000 A
E 089 60001 B
E 364 80000 B
F 499 20001 A
F 640 00000 A
G 883 20001 B
G 025 60000 C
H 332 80001 A
H 384 00000 A
I 192 00001 A
I 217 60000 A
J 556 80001 A
J 595 20000 A
K 403 20001 A
K 524 80000 A
L 544 00001 B
L 806 40000 B
B F G J L1969B
1969CA 326 40001 A
A 499 20000 A
B 153 60001 C
B 505 60000 D
C 243 20001 A
C 652 80000 A
D 960 00001 A
D 537 60000 B
E 364 80001 B
E 166 40000 C
F 640 00001 A
F 998 40000 A
G 025 60001 C
G 812 80000 C
H 384 00001 A
H 723 20000 A
I 217 60001 A
I 358 40000 A
J 595 20001 A
J 915 20000 A
K 524 80001 A
K 838 40000 A
L 806 40001 B
L 627 20000 C
1974A 499 20001 A
A 070 40000 B
B 505 60001 D
B 473 60000 G
C 652 80001 A
C 249 60000 B
D 537 60001 B
D 019 20000 D
E 166 40001 C
E 665 60000 D
F 998 40001 A
F 531 20000 B
G 812 80001 C
G 313 60000 F
H 723 20001 A
H 454 40000 B
I 358 40001 A
I 748 80000 A
J 915 20001 A
J 659 20000 B
K 838 40001 A
K 524 80000 B
L 627 20001 C
L 908 80000 D
1977A 000 00001 A
A 947 20000 A
B 000 00001 A
B 704 00000 F
C 000 00001 A
C 179 20000 B
D 000 00001 A
D 896 00000 B
E 000 00001 A
E 588 80000 C
F 000 00001 A
F 704 00000 A
G 000 00001 A
G 588 80000 D
H 000 00001 A
H 985 60000 A
I 000 00001 A
I 153 60000 A
J 000 00001 A
J 486 40000 B
K 000 00001 A
K 640 00000 B
L 000 00001 A
L 640 00000 C
1981A 000 00001 A
A 179 20000 B
B 000 00001 A
B 678 40000 D
C 000 00001 A
C 729 60000 A
D 000 00001 A
D 985 60000 A
E 000 00001 A
E 102 40000 C
F 000 00001 A
F 294 40000 A
G 000 00001 A
G 627 20000 C
H 000 00001 A
H 473 60000 A
I 000 00001 A
I 102 40000 A
J 000 00001 A
J 192 00000 B
K 000 00001 A
K 601 60000 A
L 000 00001 A
L 832 00000 C
A 000 00001 C
A 736 00000 C
B 000 00001 E
B 928 00000 F
C 000 00001 B
C 288 00000 B
D 000 00001 B
D 480 00000 B
E 000 00001 D
E 864 00000 D
F 000 00001 B
F 640 00000 B
G 000 00001 D
G 992 00000 D
H 000 00001 B
H 288 00000 B
I 000 00001 B
I 128 00000 B
J 000 00001 C
J 288 00000 C
K 000 00001 B
K 352 00000 B
L 000 00001 D
L 224 00000 E
1981AA 000 00001 A
A 576 00000 B
B 000 00001 A
B 544 00000 D
C 000 00001 A
C 576 00000 A
D 000 00001 A
D 608 00000 B
E 000 00001 A
E 160 00000 C
F 000 00001 A
F 416 00000 B
G 000 00001 A
G 128 00000 C
H 000 00001 A
H 736 00000 A
I 000 00001 A
I 192 00000 A
J 000 00001 A
J 864 00000 A
K 000 00001 A
K 992 00000 A
L 000 00001 A
L 608 00000 E
D F L1981A
1985A 000 00001 A
A 992 00000 E
B 000 00001 A
B 704 00000 S
C 000 00001 A
C 256 00000 C
D 000 00001 A
D 896 00000 F
E 000 00001 A
E 704 00000 I
F 000 00001 A
F 160 00000 D
G 000 00001 A
G 352 00000 H
H 000 00001 A
H 320 00000 C
I 000 00001 A
I 128 00000 B
J 000 00001 A
J 064 00000 C
K 000 00001 A
K 928 00000 B
L 000 00001 A
L 448 00000 L
1988AA 000 00001 A
A 256 00000 D
B 000 00001 A
B 192 00000 K
C 000 00001 A
C 960 00000 A
D 000 00001 A
D 192 00000 D
E 000 00001 A
E 896 00000 C
F 000 00001 A
F 960 00000 C
G 000 00001 A
G 832 00000 F
H 000 00001 A
H 128 00000 B
I 000 00001 A
I 256 00000 A
J 000 00001 A
J 384 00000 B
K 000 00001 A
K 704 00000 A
L 000 00001 A
L 576 00000 H
B C F G K1988A
1990A 000 00001 A
A 576 00000 D
B 000 00001 A
B 064 00000 Q
C 000 00001 A
C 960 00000 A
D 000 00001 A
D 896 00000 C
E 000 00001 A
E 192 00000 D
F 000 00001 A
F 768 00000 E
G 000 00001 A
G 768 00000 G
H 000 00001 A
H 768 00000 B
I 000 00001 A
I 704 00000 A
J 000 00001 A
J 832 00000 A
K 000 00001 A
K 256 00000 A
L 000 00001 A
L 320 00000 E
1993A 000 00001 A
A 960 00000 C
B 000 00001 A
B 192 00000 G
C 000 00001 A
C 768 00000 A
D 000 00001 A
D 640 00000 C
E 000 00001 A
E 704 00000 G
F 000 00001 A
F 640 00000 D
G 000 00001 A
G 384 00000 D
H 000 00001 A
H 896 00000 B
-J 000 00001 A
J 064 00000 B
K 000 00001 A
K 896 00000 B
L 000 00001 A
L 384 00000 I
A B D E F L1993
1995-B 000 00001 A
B 192 00000 E
C 000 00001 A
C 704 00000 A
D 000 00001 A
D 896 00000 B
E 000 00001 A
E 256 00000 B
F 000 00001 A
F 192 00000 D
G 000 00001 A
G 128 00000 F
H 000 00001 A
H 448 00000 B
I 000 00001 A
I 448 00000 A
J 000 00001 A
J 768 00000 B
K 000 00001 A
K 576 00000 C
L 000 00001 A
L 384 00000 G
B D1995
1996AA 000 00001 A
AA 832 00000 I
AB 000 00001 A
AB 960 00000 I
AC 000 00001 A
AC 064 00000 F
AD 000 00001 A
AD 640 00000 D
AE 000 00001 A
AE 832 00000 D
AF 000 00001 A
AF 256 00000 J
AG 000 00001 A
AG 512 00000 L
AH 000 00001 A
AH 576 00000 C
AI 000 00001 A
AI 128 00000 B
AJ 000 00001 A
AJ 768 00000 C
AK 000 00001 A
AK 768 00000 C
AL 000 00001 A
AL 832 00000 K
1999BA 000 00001 A
BA 512 00000 A
BB 000 00001 A
BB 320 00000 G
BC 000 00001 A
BC 960 00000 B
BD 000 00001 A
BD 320 00000 C
BE 000 00001 A
BE 320 00000 E
BF 000 00001 A
BF 128 00000 F
BG 000 00001 A
BG 320 00000 H
BH 000 00001 A
BH 064 00000 B
BI 000 00001 A
BI 256 00000 A
BJ 000 00001 A
BJ 704 00000 A
-BL 000 00001 A
BL 320 00000 A
A B D G L1999
2001-CB 000 00001 A
CB 768 00000 G
-CD 000 00001 A
CD 832 00000 A
CE 000 00001 A
CE 512 00000 D
CF 000 00001 A
CF 576 00000 D
CG 000 00001 A
CG 320 00000 D
CH 000 00001 A
CH 896 00000 A
CI 000 00001 A
CI 576 00000 A
CJ 000 00001 A
CJ 128 00000 B
CK 000 00001 A
CK 704 00000 B
CL 000 00001 A
CL 128 00000 E
B G J L2001
2004EA 000 00001 A
EA 960 00000 F
EB 000 00001 A
EB 256 00000 L
EC 000 00001 A
EC 384 00000 G
ED 000 00001 A
ED 896 00000 D
EE 000 00001 A
EE 896 00000 E
EF 000 00001 A
EF 640 00000 E
EG 000 00001 A
EG 064 00000 G
EH 000 00001 A
EH 320 00000 B
EI 000 00001 A
EI 640 00000 A
EJ 000 00001 A
EJ 128 00000 B
EK 000 00001 A
EK 768 00000 B
EL 000 00001 A
EL 320 00000 I
2004AGA 000 00001 A
GA 384 00000 B
GB 000 00001 A
GB 960 00000 B
GC 000 00001 A
GC 960 00000 A
GD 000 00001 A
GD 256 00000 B
GE 000 00001 A
GE 768 00000 D
GF 000 00001 A
GF 832 00000 D
GG 000 00001 A
GG 384 00000 A
GH 000 00001 A
GH 768 00000 A
GI 000 00001 A
GI 896 00000 A
GJ 000 00001 A
GJ 960 00000 B
GK 000 00001 A
GK 832 00000 C
GL 000 00001 A
GL 896 00000 A
A B E F K2004A
2006IA 000 00001 A
IA 768 00000 C
IB 000 00001 A
IB 064 00000 F
IC 000 00001 A
IC 512 00000 C
ID 000 00001 A
ID 192 00000 D
IE 000 00001 A
IE 064 00000 E
IF 000 00001 A
IF 064 00000 I
IG 000 00001 A
IG 576 00000 E
IH 000 00001 A
IH 064 00000 B
II 000 00001 A
II 064 00000 B
IJ 000 00001 A
IJ 384 00000 B
IK 000 00001 A
IK 192 00000 E
IL 000 00001 A
IL 192 00000 H
A E F G K L2006
2009JA 000 00001 A
JA 896 00000 B
JB 000 00001 A
JB 576 00000 G
JC 000 00001 A
JC 576 00000 D
JD 000 00001 A
JD 384 00000 D
JE 000 00001 A
JE 448 00000 G
JF 000 00001 A
JF 768 00000 E
JG 000 00001 A
JG 320 00000 E
JH 000 00001 A
JH 576 00000 B
JI 000 00001 A
JI 512 00000 A
JJ 000 00001 A
JJ 832 00000 B
JK 000 00001 A
JK 640 00000 C
JL 000 00001 A
JL 128 00000 G
2013MA 000 00001 A
MA 640 00000 E
MB 000 00001 A
MB 128 00000 L
MC 000 00001 A
MC 064 00000 F
MD 000 00001 A
MD 192 00000 F
ME 000 00001 A
ME 512 00000 J
MF 000 00001 A
MF 640 00000 K
MG 000 00001 A
MG 896 00000 G
MH 000 00001 A
MH 512 00000 C
MI 000 00001 A
MI 384 00000 B
MJ 000 00001 A
MJ 512 00000 C
MK 000 00001 A
MK 192 00000 H
ML 000 00001 A
ML 512 00000 P
A B E F G L2013

District I had no notes printed for Series 1928A.

The first serial numbers printed for the various districts for Series 1934B were A 383 76001 A, B 130 80001 B, C 451 68001 A, D 671 64001 A, E 720 36001 A, F 446 52001 A, G 053 16001 B, H 293 64001 A, I 162 96001 A, J 288 12001 A, K 221 64001 A, and L 119 52001 B. The first serials printed for Series 1934C were A 413 82001 A, B 379 80001 B, C 505 68001 A, D 711 24001 A, E 810 30001 A, F 536 28001 A, G 150 36001 B, H 351 84001 A, I 193 32001 A, J 330 00001 A, K 250 44001 A, and L 216 72001 B. The first serials printed for Series 1934D were A 495 84001 A, B 558 60001 B, C 625 56001 A, D 883 80001 A, E 046 68001 B, F 720 84001 A, G 407 52001 B, H 488 64001 A, I 226 14001 A, J 418 80001 A, K 349 92001 A, and L 417 60001 B. (The first serials printed for Series 1934A, as well as for the various 1928 series, do not seem to have been recorded.) In each case, notes of older series continued to be produced until all old printing plates had worn out, and whenever notes of different series were in production simultaneously, they were mixed at random before serial numbering.

During the printing of Series 1934C, the back design was modified to show the newbalcony that had been added to the White House. The first note printed with the newback was E 904 80001 A, but the BEP does not seem to have recorded thefirst new-back serials for the other eleven districts, or the last old-back serial forany district (again, the two types were both in production simultaneously for a time,and were mixed before numbering).

Note that for districts G, H, K there is a gap between the high serial number ofSeries 1950 and the low serial number of Series 1950A. This is due to the fact thatthe BEP's changeover from 12-note sheets to 18-note sheets fell between these twoseries.

In Series 1950A, serial numbers B 902 36001 A through B 902 40000 A and B 902 52001 A through B 902 56000 A were not issued. These 8000 notes were stolen by a BEP employee immediately after printing. Most were subsequently recovered and destroyed, but about 1600 had already been placed into circulation by the thief. (Until fairlyrecently, this was the only instance of employee theft in the history of the BEP.)

The following full blocks of Series 1974 had serial numbers only up to 99840000, rather than 99999999: A.A, B.F, D.C, G.E.

The following full blocks of Series 1981 had serial numbers only up to 99200000, rather than 99840000: B.E, L.D.

Twenty Dollar Bill 1999 Series

The following full blocks of Series 1985 had serial numbers only up to 96000000,rather than 99200000: B.R, E.H, L.J, L.K.

The J.A block of Series 1988A had serial numbers up to 99200000 rather than 96000000.

In Series 2006, serial numbers IG 704 00001 C through IG 768 00000 C and IG 832 00001 C through IG 896 00000 C were not issued. These two print runs failed inspection at the BEP due to ink contamination and were subsequently destroyed.

$20 FRN star notes

The numbers in the table are the first and last serials printed for the given FRB in the given series. The 1928 and 1934 series star notes, just as the regular notes, cannot be broken down by individual lettered series; however, whenever no regular notes were printed for a given FRB and series combination, no star notes were printed for that combination either. Beginning with Series 1950A, gaps often occur in the serial number ranges for the star notes; I do not currently have precise information on the locations of these gaps.

SeriesFederal Reserve District (First letter of serialnumber)Series
A 000 00001 *
A 001 44000 *
B 000 00001 *
B 002 76000 *
C 000 00001 *
C 001 20000 *
D 000 00001 *
D 002 28000 *
E 000 00001 *
E 000 96000 *
F 000 00001 *
F 000 80000 *
G 000 00001 *
G 002 64000 *
H 000 00001 *
H 000 96000 *
I 000 00001 *
I 000 72000 *
J 000 00001 *
J 000 84000 *
K 000 00001 *
K 000 72000 *
L 000 00001 *
L 002 04000 *
No data available1934-
A 018 00000 *
B 011 52001 *
B 054 00000 *
C 004 32001 *
C 014 40000 *
D 007 20001 *
D 036 00000 *
F 021 60000 *
G 010 08001 *
G 050 40000 *
H 004 32001 *
H 014 40000 *
I 001 44001 *
I 005 76000 *
J 002 88001 *
J 021 60000 *
K 011 52000 *
L 010 08001 *
L 072 00000 *
1950B-B 054 00001 *
B 082 80000 *
C 014 40001 *
C 018 00000 *
D 036 00001 *
D 046 80000 *
E 064 80000 *
F 021 60001 *
F 039 60000 *
G 050 40001 *
G 090 00000 *
H 014 40001 *
H 025 20000 *
I 005 76001 *
I 010 80000 *
J 021 60001 *
J 039 60000 *
K 011 52001 *
K 018 00000 *
L 072 00001 *
L 093 60000 *
1950CA 018 00001 *
A 021 60000 *
B 082 80001 *
B 097 20000 *
C 018 00001 *
C 025 20000 *
D 046 80001 *
D 054 00000 *
E 064 80001 *
E 082 80000 *
F 039 60001 *
F 046 80000 *
G 090 00001 *
G 100 80000 *
H 025 20001 *
H 028 80000 *
I 010 80001 *
I 014 40000 *
J 039 60001 *
J 046 80000 *
K 018 00001 *
K 021 60000 *
L 093 60001 *
L 111 60000 *
1950DA 021 60001 *
A 025 20000 *
B 097 20001 *
B 122 40000 *
C 025 20001 *
C 028 80000 *
D 054 00001 *
D 061 20000 *
E 082 80001 *
E 093 60000 *
F 046 80001 *
F 050 40000 *
G 100 80001 *
G 126 00000 *
H 028 80001 *
H 032 40000 *
-J 046 80001 *
J 054 00000 *
K 021 60001 *
K 025 20000 *
L 111 60001 *
L 140 40000 *
1950E-B 122 40001 *
B 133 20000 *
----G 126 00001 *
G 129 60000 *
----L 140 40001 *
L 147 60000 *
1963A 000 00001 *
A 006 40000 *
B 000 00001 *
B 019 20000 *
-D 000 00001 *
D 006 40000 *
E 000 00001 *
E 006 40000 *
F 000 00001 *
F 012 80000 *
G 000 00001 *
G 006 40000 *
H 000 00001 *
H 006 40000 *
-J 000 00001 *
J 006 40000 *
K 000 00001 *
K 006 40000 *
L 000 00001 *
L 012 80000 *
1963AA 006 40001 *
A 019 20000 *
B 019 20001 *
B 057 60000 *
C 000 00001 *
C 006 40000 *
D 006 40001 *
D 038 40000 *
E 006 40001 *
E 064 00000 *
F 012 80001 *
F 032 00000 *
G 006 40001 *
G 076 80000 *
H 006 40001 *
H 025 60000 *
I 000 00001 *
I 006 40000 *
J 006 40001 *
J 025 60000 *
K 006 40001 *
K 019 20000 *
L 012 80001 *
L 096 00000 *
1969A 000 00001 *
A 012 80000 *
B 000 00001 *
B 051 06000 *
C 000 00001 *
C 012 80000 *
D 000 00001 *
D 025 60000 *
E 000 00001 *
E 025 60000 *
F 000 00001 *
F 012 80000 *
G 000 00001 *
G 032 00000 *
H 000 00001 *
H 006 40000 *
I 000 00001 *
I 006 40000 *
J 000 00001 *
J 012 80000 *
K 000 00001 *
K 006 40000 *
L 000 00001 *
L 051 20000 *
1969A-B 051 20001 *
B 070 40000 *
-D 025 60001 *
D 032 00000 *
E 025 60001 *
E 044 80000 *
-G 032 00001 *
G 051 20000 *
H 006 40001 *
H 012 80000 *
--K 006 40001 *
K 012 80000 *
L 051 20001 *
L 064 00000 *
1969B-B 072 00001 *
B 076 80000 *
---F 012 80001 *
F 019 20000 *
G 052 80001 *
G 063 92000 *
--J 012 80001 *
J 019 20000 *
-L 064 00001 *
L 070 40001 *
1969CA 012 80001 *
A 019 20000 *
B 078 40001 *
B 089 60000 *
C 012 80001 *
C 019 20000 *
D 033 60001 *
D 038 40000 *
E 044 80001 *
E 064 00000 *
F 019 20001 *
F 025 60000 *
F 010 24001 *
F 012 80000 *
G 064 00001 *
G 070 40000 *
H 012 80001 *
H 019 20000 *
I 006 40001 *
I 012 80000 *
J 019 20001 *
J 025 60000 *
K 012 80001 *
K 032 00000 *
L 072 00001 *
L 083 20000 *
1974A 019 20001 *
A 032 00000 *
B 089 60001 *
B 172 80000 *
C 019 20001 *
C 038 40000 *
D 038 40001 *
D 083 20000 *
E 064 00001 *
E 115 20000 *
F 033 60001 *
F 038 40000 *
G 072 00001 *
G 140 80000 *
H 019 20001 *
H 032 00000 *
I 012 80001 *
I 025 60000 *
J 027 20001 *
J 044 80000 *
K 033 60001 *
K 044 80000 *
L 083 20001 *
L 140 80000 *
CenterHow much is a 1977 $20 bill worth

The data for Series 1950A-1950E have been inferred from the serial numbers ofreported notes, so some uncertainties still exist. The high star serials for Series1950 are almost certainly not the same as the low star serials for Series1950A; a numbering gap should exist between these two series in the star notes as inthe regular notes.

1996 Twenty Dollar Bill Errors

All the references seem to say that the Cleveland stars changed from Series 1963 to Series 1963A at serial D 012 80001 *, but serial D 010 60686 * has been reported on a Series 1963A note.

1977 Twenty Dollar Bill Worth

The extra, odd-length run of Series 1969C Atlanta star notes, with serials duplicating some of those already used in Series 1969, appears to have been the result of an error at the BEP.

For information on star notes after Series 1974, see the page for each individual series.

Obsolete type $20 notes

In addition to the Federal Reserve Notes, small-size $20 notes have been issued asGold Certificates and National Bank Notes.

Gold Certificates: On these notes, the first letter of the serial number had no particular significance, as they were not issued directly by the Federal Reserve Banks. Star notes had the star at the beginning of the serial number rather than the end.

Gold Certificates
SeriesRegular NotesStar Notes
1928A 000 00001 A
A 677 04000 A
* 000 00001 A

National Bank Notes: These notes were issued by thousands of private banks; but since a separate run of serial numbers was used for each issuing bank, no attempt is made to list all serial number ranges here. The following table shows only the $20 Federal Reserve Bank Notes, i.e., the Nationals issued by the twelve FRBs. All are dated Series 1929. Serial numbering is as on Federal Reserve Notes.

Federal Reserve Bank Notes
Series 1929
FRBRegular NotesStar Notes
AA 000 00001 A
A 009 72000 A
A 000 00001 *
A 000 24000 *
BB 000 00001 A
B 025 68000 A
B 000 00001 *
B 000 24000 *
CC 000 00001 A
C 010 08000 A
C 000 00001 *
C 000 24000 *
DD 000 00001 A
D 010 20000 A
D 000 00001 *
D 000 24000 *
EE 000 00001 A
E 016 32000 A
E 000 00001 *
E 000 24000 *
FF 000 00001 A
F 009 60000 A
F 000 00001 *
F 000 08000 *
GG 000 00001 A
G 020 28000 A
G 000 00001 *
G 000 12000 *
HH 000 00001 A
H 004 44000 A
H 000 00001 *
H 000 24000 *
II 000 00001 A
I 008 64000 A
I 000 00001 *
I 000 12000 *
JJ 000 00001 A
J 006 12000 A
J 000 00001 *
J 000 24000 *
KK 000 00001 A
K 004 68000 A
K 000 00001 *
K 000 24000 *
LL 000 00001 A
L 008 88000 A
L 000 00001 *
L 000 24000 *

Special issue $20 notes

During World War II, some Series 1934 and 1934A Federal Reserve Notes were printed with brown, rather than green, seals and serial numbers. These notes were issued for circulation in Hawaii, the idea being that if that territory were captured by Japan, the specially printed notes could easily be identified and demonetised.

The following table gives the serial number ranges for this special printing of $20 notes.

Hawaii Notes
(Brown seal)
L 305 40001 A - L 310 90000 A
L 316 32001 A - L 320 32000 A
L 334 20001 A - L 342 20000 A
L 564 12001 A - L 569 12000 A
L 605 88001 A - L 615 92000 A
L 679 84001 A - L 699 76000 A
L 769 80001 A - L 784 80000 A
L 855 36001 A - L 900 36000 A
L 003 60001 * - L 003 68000 *
L 003 72001 * - L 003 76000 *
L 004 32001 * - L 004 44000 *
L 008 52001 * - L 008 76000 *
L 009 72001 * - L 009 76000 *

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